Gthumb as default image viewer?

Alex Launi alex.launi at
Thu Jul 2 09:00:31 BST 2009

On Thu, Jul 2, 2009 at 9:01 AM, Otto Kekäläinen <otto at> wrote:

> Well, for advanced uses like you and me F-Spot is fine, but for normal home
> users it is too complicated.

Could you provide some evidence for this? F-spot's UI needs some serious
love, but the developers are working hard. Rather than have TWO photo
managers, one of which isn't such a great photo manager, it makes more sense
to file bugs on f-spot, and *make it *less complicated. Maybe you could
point out some specific areas where you feel it's lacking for users. I
wouldn't call myself an advanced photo user at all, I just use it for minor
tagging, slide shows,  and exporting to facebook/flickr.

Also it has one huge drawback: it saves all the pictures in a folder
> structure based on months and dates. This makes it really hard to browse a
> F-Spot archive from the filesystem or from any other image viewer.

I agree. This is really annoying.

> I know tagging is the superior way to file and sort your images, but the
> case for normal home (and business) users is that they still like to think
> about their image collections as folders.

I'm pretty sure this isn't true. Folders confuse the hell out of everyone.
They only think about them this way because it's all they've ever had. This
is bigger than f-spot however and needs dealt with at the file system/file
browser level.

> F-Spot sucks at browsing images in folders and to get all the benefits of
> F-Spot you need to import the images first into the collection. That is an
> extra step..

Not really, it's probably fewer steps because you don't need to navigate
folders once you've imported whereas with a folder based one you're going in
and out of directories.

> Anyway at current Ubuntu defaults, the Eye of Gnome opens all jpg-images,
> and that is not good. Gthumb would be much better. Neither the the EOG nor
> F-Spot (in single image viewing mode) allows for any other functions than
> rotation. Cropping, resizing etc is missing - but can can be found in
> Gthumb. That is features you can actually find even in the default Windows
> Vista file browser, so I think this should really get some attention.

Let's file some f-spot bug reports :) This shouldn't be difficult to
implement as the infrastructure already exists, it's just a UI change. Make
some mockups, file some bugs, and reap the benefits. In the end, we'll all
be better off.

--Alex Launi
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