R: [Fwd: [Ayatana] Empathy is not in line with the much discussed guidelines]

Vincenzo Ciancia ciancia at di.unipi.it
Wed Jul 1 09:59:38 BST 2009

On mer, 2009-07-01 at 03:22 +0100, Mark Shuttleworth wrote:
> > 1) New messages cause empathy th flash the notification area. _This is
> > forbidden_, I do not know if it's written black-on-white somewhere but
> > we all know that we shouldn't flash the notification area, should the
> > world be falling. Update notifier can not do that. Why should empathy do
> > that? This must be fixed.
> >   
> Agreed - new messages should optionally use notifications, and then
> put the green dot on the messaging indicator, not use the
> window-calling-for-attention mechanism.
> > 2) It does _not open a popup_ on new messages.
> I think opening a window should be optional - we have the messaging
> indicator for accessing the window if you want it.

Yes, should be optional also IMHO. But also from comments elsewhere it
seems the development is concentrated on the existence of the indicator

A sane default behaviour should be chosen also when the applet is not
there. In particular if "not flashing" is the default perhaps a
minimised, alerted pop-up for new messages should be the default too,
when indicator applet is not there (if this can be detected at all),
otherwise it will be difficult to notice new messages. YMMV of course. 


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