removing themes

Thomas Thurman tthurman at
Sat Oct 11 00:52:07 BST 2008

Ysgrifennodd Mark Shuttleworth:
> Thomas, has there been any discussion about creating a standardised
> online repo of themes, with dynamic access from the appearance manager?
> Then we could highlight the standard GNOME themes there.

There hasn't been (well, not that I've heard, anyway), but it's a rather 
exciting idea.  I suppose we could base it around apt or something, but 
it seems overkill just for single themes, and besides wouldn't work very 
well on non-apt distros... I'm imagining a standard CGI which you could 
give a set of zipped Metacity themes and it would be able to serve any 
of them up, plus generate and be able to serve an index in a standard 

author=Kenneth Christiansen <kenneth at> Anders Carlsson <andersca at>
copyright=Ximian, Inc, 2001
date=February 8, 2002
description=A port of the Gorilla theme by Jacub Steiner

and would also be able to serve all parts added after a certain date, 
etc.  I think I may work on this this weekend, unless anyone knows of 
prior art.


Thomas Thurman, tthurman at gnome,
You are at Witt's End. Passages lead off in *all* directions.

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