Modifications to the Wiki Team Home Page
Marc Kaplan
ubuntu-doc at
Tue Oct 7 13:47:57 BST 2008
I would like to open the following recommendations to the Wiki Team Home
Page for discussion.
My goal was an attempt to make it cleaner, simpler, and more modular to
prevent duplication of official, preexisting, or more up-to-date
A sample of these changes can be seen at:
* Move the following sections to
1. Software Developers
2. Quality Assurance and Packaging
3. Marketing and Advocacy
4. Support and Documentation
5. Training <>
6. Accessibility <>
7. Artwork <>
8. Localisation and International Users
* Replace "Contribution <>"
with a link to "Get Involved"-
* Replace "Community Councils and Boards
<>" with
a link to
* Replace "Events" with a link to
* Replace "Release Schedule" with a link to
In addition, to correspond with the above changes, I am also
recommending updating to be a more
comprehensive guide and collection of all currently active Teams. An
example can be seen here:
I would welcome and encourage all Teams to help fill in any missing gaps
on that page as I would like to see it become "The" page to find ALL the
Ubuntu Teams and how to contact them.
If I forgot to contact anyone, or any team, I apologize in advance.
Please feel free to pass this on to them, or your respective Teams.
Feel free to make suggestions/edits on the PageDiscussions as needed.
My goal was to get these changes in place by the launch of 8.10 and I
have been working feverishly to put these examples together.
Marc Kaplan
Wiki Team
* Documentation Team
* Marketing Team
* Corey Burger of the Fridge Team
* Dave Murphy of the Checkbox/QA/Dev Team
* Richard Weideman of <>Edubuntu
* Jonathan Riddell <> of Kubuntu
* Xubuntu Mailing List
* Rick Clark of the Server Team
* Desktop Team Mailing List
* Laptop Testing Team Mailing List
* Ian Lawrence of the Mobile Team
* Brian Murray of the Bug Squad
* Daniel Holbach of the MOTU <>
* Cory Isatm of the Ubuntu Studio Team
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