using %U vs %F to open files

Martin Pitt martin.pitt at
Fri Jul 25 17:24:40 BST 2008

Hi Chris,

Chris Cheney [2008-07-23 11:28 -0500]:
> I talked with Sebastien, and Martin last Friday about
> having problems opening files over various different systems that gvfs
> supports. currently uses %U to try to open files and
> often manages to screw up while doing so. The discussion involved
> potentially switching the %U to %F in the desktop files to have
> gvfs-fuse-daemon do the heavy lifting.

Thanks for your investigations! So you'd think that OO.o's own gvfs
support is too weak/buggy/unmaintained to get fixed in time, and we'd
rather disable it completely? If the code is too brittle, my feeling
is that this would be a good idea then, especially for hardy.

The "files to burn" issue you mentioned seems to be a no-op indeed.

> I think someone also mentioned possibly changing something in
> nautilus, maybe to do this automatically, but I wasn't clear on what
> was being talked about with respect to nautilus.

That was indeed a quick straw-man, but there might be connections
supported by gvfs which cannot be (properly) presented through a fuse
mount. Seb, do you know any? If not, WDYT about just generally passing
the fuse mount path to an app if it exists?

Chris Cheney [2008-07-23 11:58 -0500]:
> Also, I don't know if this is a bug but after opening a document over
> smb it shows up in the Places->Recent Documents, but if you click on it
> there it opens it in File Roller instead of OOo. Maybe it only looks at
> applications that support %U to open Recent Documents? 

That indeed sounds like a bug in the panel. I don't see why a file
should behave differently when you open it in nautilus or in "recent
documents". Is that filed somewhere already?


Martin Pitt                        |
Ubuntu Developer (  | Debian Developer  (
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