using %U vs %F to open files

Chris Cheney ccheney at
Wed Jul 23 17:58:39 BST 2008

Also, I don't know if this is a bug but after opening a document over
smb it shows up in the Places->Recent Documents, but if you click on it
there it opens it in File Roller instead of OOo. Maybe it only looks at
applications that support %U to open Recent Documents? So it looks like
%F can potentially work for OOo but there are still some surrounding
issues that users probably wouldn't like if I switched over to using it


On Wed, 2008-07-23 at 11:28 -0500, Chris Cheney wrote:
> I talked with Sebastien, and Martin last Friday about
> having problems opening files over various different systems that gvfs
> supports. currently uses %U to try to open files and
> often manages to screw up while doing so. The discussion involved
> potentially switching the %U to %F in the desktop files to have
> gvfs-fuse-daemon do the heavy lifting. I think someone also mentioned
> possibly changing something in nautilus, maybe to do this automatically,
> but I wasn't clear on what was being talked about with respect to
> nautilus.
> So does anyone consider changing the %U to a %F a good idea or should
> something else be done?
> Thanks!
> Chris Cheney

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