Proposing Transmission BitTorrent client as default

Ivan Sagalaev maniac at
Fri Jan 11 07:59:02 GMT 2008

Jo-Erlend Schinstad wrote:
> However, that's not the way bit torrent is used anymore.
> People use bit torrent much more like they would use eMule, Limewire,
> or any other p2p application. Gnome-btdownload does not reflect this
> change in behaviour. Ubuntu should make available software to fit
> peoples uses, not the other way around.

Hello! I'm watching this thread and just can't stay aside anymore :-).

I haven't done any real research but my observations show that people 
using common p2p apps that you've listed are the minority. Geeks, to be 
precise. Most non-geek people that I know are just scared of this 
ridiculously complicated way to get things done because downloading 
anything with those apps concentrates on a process not on a goal. You 
have plenty of variants of progress bars, plenty of ways of knowing your 
download speed, knowing IP-addresses of peers that you are connected 
with. There are some ratios, much of new terminology (what's a 
"tracker"?) and of course those apps are expected to occupy all the 
screen because you're expected to *work* in this app.

For most people, including myself (though I am a geek, just not the one 
of p2p type) current bt-download is just fine: it downloads a file upon 
clicking a link in Firefox. What else should a download window do?

P.S. I would even be in favor of skipping a question where to put the 
downloaded file. I like how Firefox doesn't ask it every time just to 
have the same answer.

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