Proposing Transmission BitTorrent client as default

Jo-Erlend Schinstad joerlend.schinstad at
Thu Jan 10 18:50:30 GMT 2008

> > Well, I do see your point. However, the number of features isn't the
> > most important aspect, I think. Many of the more modern clients have
> > alot of different settings, that people also doesn't use. What I liked
> > best about Transmission, was the small number of sensible
> > configuration options. Deluge, for instance, uses configuration GUI
> > space to ask if you want to password protect the system tray icon. Who
> > uses that? It's just annoying. [snip]
> Sure, it's just annoying. it's still just a option in a configuration
> file.
> Also, you can't decide where Transmission should save the completed
> downloads (at least not by default). That is annoying. (I can imagine
> users go "huh, where's the file?")

That's not true. You can decide that when you open the torrent file.
However, I feel that all downloads, no matter where they come from,
should go in /home/user/Downloads, but that's another issue.

> Transmission is also pretty ugly, and don't look good in the rest of the
> gnome-theme. On a related note, I closed it, and not until later I
> discovered that it was hiding in the systray and leaking bandwidth. Not
> nice.
> Gasten

Are you talking about the version in Gutsy or Hardy? There is a rather
significant difference. The version in Hardy has some improvements. I
agree, you should be notified when such an application is minimized to
tray and you think it's closed. However, that's just a minor bug,
which could be fixed in no time. Did you report that bug btw?

When Bit Torrent was first conceived and released, it was meant as a
way to help webservers reduce their upstream bandwidth usage. That is,
it should be similar to a normal download dialog from Internet
Explorer. However, that's not the way bit torrent is used anymore.
People use bit torrent much more like they would use eMule, Limewire,
or any other p2p application. Gnome-btdownload does not reflect this
change in behaviour. Ubuntu should make available software to fit
peoples uses, not the other way around.

"Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler." --
Albert Einstein.


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