Proposing Transmission BitTorrent client as default

Jo-Erlend Schinstad joerlend.schinstad at
Thu Jan 10 17:48:20 GMT 2008

Yes, it would be very interesting to know how many actually uses
gnome-btdownload. I don't know anyone. Most people I know, have it
installed, but uses other, more modern clients, like Azureus and
Utorrent using wine. It's quite common to seed for a long time, and
it's common to have alot of torrent files. Gnome-btdownload imposes a
limit to how many torrents you can have open, because each torrent
represents its own client instance and its own window. Of course, you
could dedicate a few workspaces to bit torrent, but that's not pretty.
And you'll have to manually open all torrent files each time you log
in. I see _no_ reason why we should have an application as default,
that people doesn't use. We should have sensible defaults, not
defaults that everyone has to replace when they first install the

Jo-Erlend Schinstad

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