Proposing Transmission BitTorrent client as default

Emilio Pozuelo Monfort pochu at
Thu Jan 10 17:12:12 GMT 2008

Sebastien Bacher wrote:
> On mar, 2008-01-08 at 20:24 +0000, Flávio Martins wrote:
>> So, I would like to hear back from you guys. Your opinions and
>> concerns. 
> Hi,
> Thanks for the suggestion. Could you explain what are the
> gnome-btdownload issues and what transmission-gtk does better?
> Do you know if anybody is looking at the launchpad bugs for this one?

The MOTU Torrent team is subscribed to the package, (as is the MOTU P2P team,
but but it has the same members).

There are 5 bugs open out of 13 bugs ever reported. 3 of those 5 are crashes,
and 2 (1 crash and another) are marked as Incomplete. The other 3 are still New.


> Sebastien Bacher

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