Removing the Ubuntu patch for "Add to panel" dialog

Sebastien Bacher seb128 at
Fri Jan 19 11:53:47 GMT 2007

Le mardi 02 janvier 2007 à 22:33 +0100, Manu Cornet a écrit :

> What do you guys think?
> I have also seen that the control-center has been redesigned (just
> type gnome-control-center in a terminal in feisty), following the work
> made by Novell. Do we want to have the same kind of plans for the "Add
> to panel" dialog?


We chated on IRC about that, replying on the list for people interested.
We like the current Ubuntu design, upstream is not that happy with that
and it's not likely to take the patch in its current form. 

Manu is going to look at redesign the dialog using the same library than
the new gnome-control-center shell, that would be coherent for the GNOME
desktop and had better chance to be accepted upstream. 

gnome-panel is not moving to much at the moment which means than
maintaining the current patch is not too much work, and upgrading from
one categorized layout to an another one is better than switching from
categories to list dialog and then to the new one


Sebastien Bacher

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