Desktop Team Development Meeting, 2007-12-13
Ted Gould
ted at
Fri Dec 14 17:41:16 GMT 2007
On Fri, 2007-12-14 at 15:02 +0100, Vincent Untz wrote:
> Le jeudi 13 décembre 2007, à 14:48 +0000, Scott James Remnant a
> écrit :
> > * UbuntuSpec:exit-strategy : Working on cleaning up XSMP to make
> people
> > happy enough to put it in more apps. So then we can query their
> > document change status. Should solve many other UI issues.
> Currently
> > there is an issue finding the "current" version of the spec. Seems
> it's
> > not in git. I didn't bring up bazaar ;)
> Do you plan to work with upstream on this? I've not followed the spec
> since UDS, so I must admit I don't know where things are going, but
> this
> really sounds like something that could be done upstream (or at least
> tried to be done upstream)
Dr. Untz,
Yes. I started talking to GNOME folks, and realized that nothing was
going to happen without cleaning up XSMP enough that people weren't
angry at it anymore :) So, I've been talking to the X folks about
revising the spec and cleaning it up so that it's more clear. I still
haven't found the current version though... work in progress.
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