which package can find the file wich define menu "System-help-System Documentation" ?

张召伟 zhang.zhaowei at gd-linux.com
Sat Sep 30 02:35:29 BST 2006

Hi, I now work to custom ubuntu for some company to use, I normal ubuntu
edgy, there is a menu 'systemp-help" , them menu "system-help" has 5
submenus , "System Documentation", "Online Documentation", "Community
Support","Commercial Support","Ubuntu Book Excerpt", I want to remove
some submenus from of the menu "system- help" , But I can't find which
file in which packages defines menu "system-help" and it's submenu!
I find the /usr/share/applications/yelp.desktop defines the menu
"system-help" , but the menu only call yelp to display help info , so
yelp.desktop isn't the file which defines "sysmte-help" and it's submenu.

how can I delete some menu items of system-help and it sub menu?

Best Regards!
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