Customizing Gnome-Panels

Sebastien Bacher seb128 at
Wed Sep 13 23:07:42 BST 2006

Le lundi 04 septembre 2006 à 17:28 +0200, René Oelke a écrit :

> The package-installation is fine. But the users can't see any changes on
> the desktop. I tried a lot of things and found out that i have to unset
> all user-settings of the panel. So i called the following commands in
> postinst and prerm an everything was fine:

Default settings apply only for new user. If an account has already been
used then the panel configuration has been written as an user setting
and will not reflect any system change. Any reason you want to force
your changes over existant users that might have already customized
their configuration?

> My question: How can i solve the problem of unsetting the user panel
> configuration? Is it possible to install/update own panel layouts
> without unsetting the user gconf configuration?

There is no option saying "user has made no change to his profile yet",
so it's not easy to determine if that's ok to overwrite the user setting
or not without asking them

> For example: A user added to our panel a new object (applet). We made a
> new panel-package with 2 additional objects. The user updates our
> panel-package and should see his and our additional buttons.

There is no gnome-panel interface for that at the moment. The profile
describes the panel layout basically and there is no "add that object to
that position" functions you can use. If you want to apply a profile you
need to overwrite the previous one


Sebastien Bacher

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