rss reader by default?

Matthew Nicholson sjoeboo at
Mon Sep 11 18:19:54 BST 2006

okay, great, this is the sort of answer is was looking for, an legit
reason/bug blocking it instead of indifference or lack of interest. glad
to see I'm not the first person to want it included. 

I'm taking a lok at the open bug now, but am not sure how much help I
can be.

On Mon, 2006-09-11 at 13:48 +0200, Sebastian Dröge wrote:
> Am Samstag, den 09.09.2006, 11:43 -0400 schrieb Matthew Nicholson:
> > hmm, yeah, wel, thunderbird is 1). not installed by default, and 2).  
> > a mail application that happens to have rss features, like firefox.  
> > I'm talking about a RSS reader. ie blam (though, that need mono) or  
> > liferea (my choice)
> blam is (almost) dead upstream currently and IMHO not really
> userfriendly and has some bad, open bugs[1] so I don't think it would be
> something we want in main or even on the CD.
> For liferea I already wrote a main inclusion report in breezy times but
> it still waits for some amd64 (or probably general 64 bit problems) to
> be fixed before it can go into main. If someone wants to try to fix it
> use the gtkhtml backend of liferea on amd64 and you see it crashing
> after some hours of use[2].
> Bye
> [1]
> [2]
Matthew Nicholson <sjoeboo at>
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