(Yet another) new logout dialog

Øivind Hoel oivind.hoel at gmail.com
Fri Mar 31 21:58:43 BST 2006

On 3/31/06, Manu Cornet <lmanul at ubuntu.com> wrote:
> Hi !
> Here's a new version of the dialog :
>         http://www.manucornet.net/ubuntu/dev/dialog.png
>         http://www.manucornet.net/ubuntu/dev/logout.png
>         http://www.manucornet.net/ubuntu/dev/hibernate.png
> Many people found that the dialog was too large ; therefore, I stacked
> the help messages next to the "Cancel" button and reduced the spacing a
> bit. This also solves a few layout problems (expanding window). Comments
> welcome.
> About the choice of designing a dialog with 6 or 7 options, I'm not the
> one who decides about this (I'm just trying to make a good layout with
> nice icons and text), but I do think it's a logical choice.
> * I believe the main purpose for this multi-option dialog is to let
> users have this main "top-right applet" flow to let them perform all
> "exit" action.
> * "Log out" as the name of the menu entry is definitely misleading, and
> we're trying to find the best wording to replace it (suggestions
> welcome !).
> * The dialog indeed has many options. I agree that some of those should
> be activated automatically (eg when a laptop lid is closed), but those
> automatic behaviors are not yet working as they should, and meanwhile we
> probably need the options in a dialog.

I think changing the wording of the tooltip of the logout applet would
help clarify its purpose. Currently it says "Log out of this session
to log in as a different users" - that doesn't give any hints that it
contains other, more useful options.

Also, as I understand, gnome-power-manager runs by default (does it
get added to the panel on upgrades?), and includes the right-click
options sleep and hibernate already, making the logout applet ones
kind of redundant.

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