Selecting music for example-content

Henrik Nilsen Omma henrik at
Sun Feb 19 18:01:20 GMT 2006

Hi List,

Wuter Stomp posted a suggestion in the wiki to use as a possible source 
of Free music.

And indeed, there is a large selection of suitably licensed music 
available there. Now comes the task of selecting something ...

The problem is that the quality is quite low on many of these (most 
actually). The recording quality is often basic and even then the 
musical level may be only semi-pro (though my ear is very untrained). 
However, there might be some gems in there and we only need one or two.

Another problem with that list is that it contains almost exclusively 
classical music, and we might want a bit more variety. I would think a 
few short pieces, each under a meg, from 3-4 different genres would be 

Good candidates from the Wikipedia list seem to be  Holst's Jupiter or 
Uranus. Cutting out one of the more lively segments of either of these 
would make for an engaging piece. Venus is too tranquil for our purpose 
and I'm worried about including 'Mars' simply because the 'God of war' 
is not very compatible with the spirit of Ubuntu.

Also try:

Please have a listen to some of that if you have some time and esp. if 
you know stuff about music (which I don't)

- Henrik

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