gnome-app-install, update-manager sources?

Michael Vogt michael.vogt at
Mon Feb 13 15:03:29 GMT 2006

On Sat, Feb 11, 2006 at 01:04:25AM +0200, Timo Jyrinki wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a couple of issues with the mentioned applications...

Thanks for your mail and sorry for my late reply.

> 1. A code repository is either non-existent or very hard to find, and at
> least it's not linked to from Launchpad. I was finally pointed at
>, which apparently has the latest
> gnome-app-install and update-manager.

Sorry for that. It's unfortunately not possible to change the vcs
information in launchpad yet. I opened a bug against launchpad about
this and ask the lp-admins to change the information on update-manager
and gnome-app-install manually until there is a way for the user to do

> 2. It's confusing that those are "available" in GNOME CVS, but are
> outdated. Are the applications going to go back to at some
> point?

Possible but unlikely. It's a pain to work with cvs once you have used
a more sophisticated system like bzr. cvs dosn't even support renaming
of files and that happend in both projects a lot to make the
build-system more python-ing. 

> 3. Takes some digging who is actually developing what currently (Michael
> Vogt, Ross Burton, Michiel Sikkies or someone else). Still we (the
> translators) would need to easily find the correct upstream to send
> translations to for "true" integration, as Rosetta translations don't
> get anywhere automatically. Eg. no translations done for Breezy have
> gotten into those applications.

I'm primary contact for both of the projects in launchpad now. 

> Also the gnome-app-install product page isn't seemingly linked with
> in any
> way, which is more like a Launchpad issue. It's starting to be hard to
> find stuff in Launchpad sometimes...

Yes, sorry for this. This is a launchpad issue. It seems to be not
pointing from a upstream product to a package in a distribution. 


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