Love tasks for desktop lovers

Sebastien Bacher seb128 at
Sat Dec 24 12:11:05 GMT 2005

Le jeudi 22 décembre 2005 à 15:50 +0100, Alain Perry a écrit :
> Hi list,


Welcome to the desktop-list :)

> I just discovered the first Ubuntu Desktop News issue, and was willing
> to know if one of the tasks was still to be done.


> Please tell me which of the tasks remains to be done, if any, and
> which is more important, and I'll answer with a result. 

As pointed by Vincent you can join the #ubuntu-desktop IRC channel (on
Freenode) if you want. 

We also try to keep a list of tasks to do on the wiki:

If you want to work on one of the tasks listed let know the list and
update the wiki.


Sebastien Bacher

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