Questions related to the new logout dialog

Sebastien Bacher seb128 at
Sat Dec 17 13:36:48 GMT 2005

Le samedi 17 décembre 2005 à 13:31 +0100, Sebastien Estienne a écrit :
> Hello,


> The new logout dialog looks nice, will these functions also be
> available from gdm, especially the sleep and hibernate actions
> (restart and shutdown are already there)?

There is a bug open about this:

The option is dependent of the theme. I'm not sure of how useful that
would be. Those options are nice to use from the desktop because you
keep your current session in his state. Does a standard boot make a
difference on hibernate to go to GDM? Jeff any plan to change the
artwork for this? 

> And what about the xscreensaver lock dialog, it has a switch user
> function: shouldn't this dialog have the same look and feel as the new
> logout dialog?

They don't do the same things, I'm not sure they should be the same. The
switch user has a list of users so you can pick one. How would you
change it?

> Will the new icons also be shared by gdm and lock dialog?

Some coherence would be nice, right.

> Would it make some sense to merge the 3 (gdm, logout, lock) in the long term?

We already had some discussions on the topic, this is mentionned by the specification.


Sebastien Bacher

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