A new logout dialog (v2)

Jeff Waugh jeff.waugh at ubuntu.com
Sun Dec 11 22:29:21 GMT 2005

<quote who="Manu Cornet">

> 	http://www.manucornet.net/GNOME/logout_dialog/Capture.png

Very nice! Somehow it needs more spacing though. Perhaps if the hbox columns
the buttons are in were all 1/3 the width, and the buttons were centred
within those? That will keep the spacing between border+buttons and each
button more consistent.

> Not sure how to add a window border, though...

Have a look at "metacity-theme-viewer Human" some time, and see the border
only window style at the very bottom. I think that's what we'd want... I
don't know the hint to get it though. :-)

- Jeff

linux.conf.au 2006: Dunedin, New Zealand               http://linux.conf.au/
   "There, I did it... I defiled a timeless piece of ART!" - Jim Carrey,
                          covering I Am The Walrus

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