making the panel launcher opening the preferred apps by default?

Jeff Waugh jeff.waugh at
Sat Dec 3 08:11:18 GMT 2005

<quote who="Sebastien Estienne">

> the help button, i suspect that it's the first thing people remove to get
> the space.

Yeah, during UBZ we decided to not include it on the panel by default.

> I thought that the launcher should dynamicaly display the N most used
> applications (N would be configurable)

We've discussed this in the past, and there are some good reasons to do it,
some good reasons to avoid it (particularly when you can't communicate how
it works merely through a bunch of icons in a row), but ultimately it is new
work which we aren't going to invest in right at the moment. The, um, return
on investment isn't great enough. :-)

- Jeff

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