[dct] DCT status update

Lucas Nussbaum lucas at lucas-nussbaum.net
Sat Jul 29 15:41:45 BST 2006

Hi all, and welcome on this mailing list !

Jeremie Corbier and I did some work on the DCT recently. Here is the
current status :

= Bzr repository =
There's now a bzr repository for the team, which will be central in
our workflow. There are details on how to check it out and use it on

= Scripts =
Several scripts have been written:
* a script to generate the list of packages to care for. It currently
  generates it based on the Maintainer field, but can be easily
  extended to add packages determined by other means. This resides in
  the packagelist/ dir.
  Open question here: should we care for packages where the DD is
  listed as Uploaders: too, or only Maintainer: ?

* a script (make-html) to generate an HTML page listing the status for
  the packages we have to care for. An example output is visible on
  http://tiber.tauware.de/~lucas/dct/status-example.html (this page is
  NOT updated automatically. You have to generate it locally. Read the
  make-html script for details.) make-html probably needs to be
  improved a bit, but its current status is enough to start working.

* edit-log: a small dch wrapper allowing to create the directory
  structure and the changelog if needed. Of course, you are not forced
  to use it.

= How are we going to work ? =

We will write a changelog for each package, listing more information
about the divergence in those packages, bugs that were filed in Debian,
etc, etc, etc. Those changelogs will reside in the pool/ dir of the bzr
repository. The make-html script will parse them and extract the
needed information to display on the web page whether the package
needs work or not.

= Other stuff =

* To make it more efficient, we should have a list of "Divergence
  explanation", which would detail why Ubuntu decided to change X or
  add Y in the Debian package. I've already written one about Desktop
  files, but it really needs to be improved since it's not my cup of
  tea at all. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DCT/DesktopFiles

* I've also started a page listing "FormLetters", i.e example bug
  reports so we won't rewrite bug reports from scratch all the time.
  Again, they need peer-review. Please see
  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DCT/FormLetters .
= IRC channel =
That's an open question. We should we meet ? Maybe
#debian-ubuntu at OFTC.net is the best place, since it already exists.

That's all for now, I think. Let's start working together :-)

Any comments/questions/complains ? :)
| Lucas Nussbaum
| lucas at lucas-nussbaum.net   http://www.lucas-nussbaum.net/ |
| jabber: lucas at nussbaum.fr             GPG: 1024D/023B3F4F |

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