Ubuntu Community Q&A

Simon Quigley tsimonq2 at ubuntu.com
Wed Mar 30 12:08:03 UTC 2016

Good start! :)

On 03/30/16 05:26, Marius Gripsgård wrote:
> Hi,
> I have some ideas:
> 1. people can join the sessions (like on online summit) to ask
> questions (or answer)
> 2. we can have discussion
Can you elaborate on that a bit?
> 3. Show and tell?
> 4. People can ask questions on twitter, g+ and others (where they can
> leave question before the session)
> 5. Longer sessions :)
> 6. Comments on youtube live
That's what #ubuntu-on-air is for. :)

This pretty much sums up what I was going to say about new ideas for
this. :)

Thanks for the idea Daniel, and thanks for the feedback Marius!

Simon Quigley
tsimonq2 at ubuntu.com
tsimonq2 on Freenode
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