Request for Ubuntu Doc Leadership

Chris Perry clissold345 at
Wed Jun 15 10:37:52 UTC 2016

Hi Doug

Thanks for your reply. It's good that you found the meeting very
useful. Some of the issues you all discussed (eg coordination with
developers) are certainly important. If <mhall119> and <dholbach> are
very busy and unable to follow up, then they're no use to us? Perhaps
this thread will be of use if (at some point) the Docs Team pursues
these issues again?



On 10 June 2016 at 22:41, Doug Smythies <dsmythies at> wrote:
> On 2016.06.09 04:22 Chris Perry wrote:
>> I've read more of the meeting log. It's time-consuming to read but
>> it's a very good source for anyone wanting to understand the problems
>> that the Documentation Team are having. I think many of these problems
>> (eg coordination with developers) are perennial problems for many
>> documentation teams. Some of the problems are not within the
>> Documentation Team's power to solve on their own (with or without a
>> leader) so getting outside people involved - as you have done here -
>> is the right approach.
>> Sorry, I've got nothing original to suggest.
>> Did the people who attended the meeting find it useful?
> Yes, it was very useful, and although it took awhile to get focused,
> my impression was that we were making progress and perhaps finally had
> the ear of some that could assist in making changes. However, we didn't finish,
> and the plan was to continue in the next week or two. Myself, I struggle with IRC
> and am typically about 10 minutes behind.
>> I haven't read the whole log but I believe <mhall119>
>> and <dholbach> had action items and one of them
>> was going to call another meeting.
> Yes, it that was my impression also, and myself I see no other way to
> interpret the log file.
>> Are they the people from outside the Documentation Team?
> Yes, they are from outside the Doc team. They are on the community council.
> The same two were involved in the last Community Council check-in meetings.
> I understand that they are very busy.
>> Could one of you who attended the meeting
>> email them and remind them to do what they said they'd do?
> I did on 2016.04.06. I'm not going to bother again.
>> On 6 June 2016 at 11:42, Chris Perry <clissold345 at> wrote:
>>> Gunnar, thank you for the log.
>>> It's very useful to have the log and see (well, read) you all (the
>>> people who attended) in action - though it's time-consuming to read it
>>> and make sense of it.
>>> I'm assuming no one took minutes.
> Notes were being made during the meeting in real time in the etherpad
> thingy that David Planella originally setup for the meeting.
> ... Doug

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