Ubuntu Membership Workshop Outline Draft Ready For Review

Benjamin Kerensa bkerensa at ubuntu.com
Wed Jun 1 07:16:12 UTC 2016

Hi Lyz,

"I'd make clear that even upstream contributions need to have an Ubuntu
Community component. Even the most accomplished Firefox contributor
isn't automatically an Ubuntu Member unless they've engaged with the
Ubuntu community in some capacity."

IIRC shortly after I left the Membership Board we started being rather less
and began allowing Canonical employees who contribute to Ubuntu but
otherwise do
so behind the scenes to still get membership even if they had not engaged
with community.

How would an upstream contributor be different in this sense?

On Sat, May 28, 2016 at 6:51 AM, Elizabeth K. Joseph <lyz at princessleia.com>

> On Fri, May 27, 2016 at 7:18 AM, Svetlana Belkin <belkinsa at ubuntu.com>
> wrote:
> > All,
> >
> > As I stated [1], I'm doing a workshop during this cycle to help people
> apply
> > for their Membership.  I completed the outline and I wish to get
> feedback on
> > it.  There is also a few sections that I need help finishing.
> >
> > I'm placing a two week deadline for these suggestions.
> >
> > [1]
> >
> https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-community-team/2016-May/001226.html
> > [2]
> >
> https://github.com/belkinsa/Presentations/blob/master/2016/UbuntuMembershipWorkshop/Outline.md
> I'd run spellcheck through it, right off the bat noticed "tranlations
> or writing docuemenation" - two spelling issues right there :)
> "It can be done via Upstream or via work within the Ubuntu Community"
> I'd make clear that even upstream contributions need to have an Ubuntu
> Community component. Even the most accomplished Firefox contributor
> isn't automatically an Ubuntu Member unless they've engaged with the
> Ubuntu community in some capacity.
> "Gendi.net" - Gandi.net
> "The best practices at recognizing contributions from others" - I
> imagine you were looking to flesh this one out? Some recommendations:
>  - Give public thanks (on social media, blog posts, during meetings)
> for work completed
>  - Share work completed by other contributors (even if you weren't
> involved, a retweet/share goes a long way to showing people their work
> is appreciated)
>  - Submit announcements/posts of good work in the community you find
> to the Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter so it can be shared with the broader
> community
>  - Write a testimonial when they go for Membership
> "It almost will be this form" - I think you can just drop "almost" here.
> " There is a ??? day deadline" It's 7 days.
> Hope this helps!
> --
> Elizabeth Krumbach Joseph || Lyz || pleia2
> --
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*Benjamin Kerensa*
*http://benjaminkerensa.com <http://benjaminkerensa.com>*
*"I am what I am because of who we all are" - Ubuntu*
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