Libre graphics could become the standard if we push right now

Benjamin Tegge benjaminosm at
Fri Jan 15 02:04:36 UTC 2016

Am Donnerstag, den 14.01.2016, 21:11 +0100 schrieb Alberto Salvia
> Nearly all compact Linux computers feasible for gaming are sold 
> exclusively using NVIDIA graphics, and that company is hostile to libre 
> software.
> So I think it is very important that we support AMD right now on what we 
> can, and ask manufacturers to include AMD graphics in those products.
> Because of that I have started campaigning for it:

Hello Alberto,

please check your facts before writing such a post and spamming multiple
mailing lists (again), the Mantle API was abandoned a while ago.  You
should at least have read the preamble in Wikipedia.

You push your view on others again to use the latest (Ubuntu)
development release while some may be more comfortable with LTS

Calling Nvidia or any other competitor of your favourite choice unlawful
or something else doesn't help your cause, it only brings consumers with
another opinion up against you.  While I have many things to bring up
against Nivida on my own, many consumers don't know what you are talking
about.  It doesn't help mentioning that you are active in the Ubuntu
community when your entire post is not constructive at all, you just
make Ubuntu look bad from my point of view.

It would have probably been better to start a discussion with users from
the different communities with the same interests and needs to work on a
better worded statement.  Your first sentence however makes it pretty
clear that it's just about *your* next purchase decision and you're not
very much interested in a serious discussion. 

>From my point of view a steam machine or any other lifestyle product
destined to mostly run DRM/non-FOSS game code isn't any better than a
traditional gaming console (which I have no problem with, they're just
not free as in freedom).

Don't expect any further reply from me on this topic.

Best Regards,

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