Announcing UbuCon Europe and Call for Contributions

Sujeevan (svij) Vijayakumaran svij at
Fri Apr 1 17:39:45 UTC 2016

Hello Ubuntu-Friends!

Here's an announcement from the UbuCon Europe Team about our upcoming event:

We're happy to announce the very first European Ubuntu Conference: the
UbuCon Europe! It takes place from the 18th to 20th November 2016 in
Essen, Germany. It is the first conference dedicated to the European
Ubuntu community. We are looking forward to two days full of talks,
workshops, exhibitions and demos.  And if that’s not great enough
already, our venue provides us with food too!

## The Focus

The UbuCon Europe is an event for everybody: for beginners, developers
and experts. The main topics will hopefully cover everything about
Ubuntu and Open Source Software. Be sure to join the conference, if you
are interested in:

 * getting familiar with Ubuntu, its flavors and subprojects
 * showcases of projects based on Ubuntu or other Open Source Software
 * an open and vivid atmosphere to discuss ideas and project with
members of the Ubuntu and Open Source Community from all over Europe
 * learning new stuff
 * … and getting involved in the Ubuntu Community!

The whole event will take place in the "Unperfekthaus" in Essen and will
include hot- and softdrinks and food. We will have to charge a fee to
cover our costs. If you are a company and want to sponsor part of our
event, please contact us via sponsors at

Not sure where Essen is? Then you should check our travel page:

## Talks and Workshops needed

### For visitors

The UbuCon needs interesting talks and workshops. While we already have
a few talks in the pipeline, we still have a lot of slots to fill. We do
have five rooms available with up to seven talks per room per day.

UbuCon Europe is organised by the community and for the community.
That's your chance to request a talk or workshop! Our experience from
the last UbuCons in Germany showed, that many requests from visitors got
a talk from speakers. So, please don't be shy and send your ideas in an
E-Mail to idea at !

### For speakers

We are looking for speakers who are interested in giving a talk, run a
workshop or moderate a roundtable discussion. Friday is first day of
UbuCon with just a Social Event to get to know each other. On Saturday
and Sunday there will be the talks and workshops.

If you want to give a talk or do a workshop, please check our Wishlist
page ( for requests
from potential visitors. Of course, you can talk about any topic you
want. Talks and workshops about Ubuntu are preferred, but may also cover
other Open Source topics. As the conference is international and takes
place in Germany, English and German are expected for the talks and
workshops. However, talks covering Ubuntu subjects in English are preferred.

Please don't hesitate to send us your proposal. Just send an email to
idea at with the following information:

 * Title of talk/workshop
 * Name of the speaker
 * Company or project, if it exists
 * Type: Talk, Workshop, Discussion or something else
 * Duration: 30, 50, 110 Minutes or a custom duration
 * Target audience: Beginners, intermediate or experts
 * Short description about the topic of your talk
 * Information about the speaker
 * attach a profile photo

Please send your proposals to idea at, the Call for Papers will
end on the *31. July 2016*.

More information:

Talks/Call for Contribution:
Travel and accomodation:


Hope to see you all there. If you have any questions, feel free to
contact us or me or just answer on the Mailinglist. ;)


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