
José Antonio Rey jose at
Fri Sep 18 17:37:56 UTC 2015

Oh, sorry. I thought the thread was related to it. Nevermind me :)

On 09/18/2015 01:35 PM, flocculant at wrote:
> On 18/09/15 18:31, José Antonio Rey wrote:
>> What I did once was a hangout, not on air, to connect people around
>> the world and have them show what they're doing WRT parties. So, maybe
>> not something on air, but a non-public hangout to have people share
>> experiences and ideas.
>> On 09/18/2015 01:29 PM, Jorge O. Castro wrote:
>>> On Fri, Sep 18, 2015 at 1:22 PM, <flocculant at> wrote:
>>>> If there was some sort of basic transcript - much like an index one
>>>> could
>>>> actually just go to the bit of a hangout they were interested in.
>>> Indeed! I've only just now started adding indexes to our Cloud videos
>>> in our Youtube channel. However depending on the length and topics
>>> discussed, this can take much longer than I thought.
>>> My recommendation is at the start of the meeting designate a person to
>>> mark the time in the meeting the subject changed, so that when you
>>> need to get the links you can fast forward to a specific section.
>>> Scrobbling through the entire video without this information takes
>>> much much longer.
> was this supposed to be for
> ?

José Antonio Rey

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