Community Council Statement: Jonathan Riddell

elfy elfy at
Sat May 30 20:10:34 UTC 2015

On 29/05/15 19:06, Benjamin Kerensa wrote:
> The only party that has made a pre-condition is the Ubuntu CC the KC 
> has actually as a body not made any pre-conditions.
Which pre-condition would this be?

> On Fri, May 29, 2015 at 10:29 AM, Paul Sladen <ubuntu at 
> <mailto:ubuntu at>> wrote:
>     Hash: SHA1
>     On Fri, 29 May 2015, the Ubuntu Community Council wrote:
>     > Kubuntu Council put a condition … before they would agree to a
>     meeting
>     >
>     > we [Ubuntu Community Council] will not be reversing that decision.
>     I noticed the juxaposition of these two statements when put together.
>     Mutual Mexican stand-offs[1] are unlikely to be conducive to dialogue,
>     because there is no safe exit for anyone, let alone all. Perhaps it
>     would make sense for *all* involved to entertain the possibility of
>     toning-down previously-made absolute positions in order to facilite
>     discussion.
>     > Community Council will be providing a much more detailed list of
>     > incidents, with context, to the Kubuntu Council.
>     If the ratcheting back of *all* party's pre-conditions were to occur
>     at the same time (in advance of the detailed/additional factual
>     information being prepared here) this might allow conversation to flow
>     more freely after sharing.
>             -Paul
>     [1]
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> /*Benjamin Kerensa*/
> /
> /"I am what I am because of who we all are" - Ubuntu/

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