donation to flavours in 2012

Laura Czajkowski laura at
Wed May 27 08:47:10 UTC 2015

On 26/05/15 18:52, Paul Sladen wrote:
> I sought confirmation over the accuracy of the emails reproduced at:
> The first email did come from the Communnity Council and had been
> jointly drafted (ie. not sent from a individual).
> 	-Paul
> - -- 
> (I hope this information is as useful to others as it has been to me).
> Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)
> iD8DBQFVZLLbc444tukM+iQRAjxaAJ4rxJDyx86JKUr/0VeoRkQ0pOGDNgCfWsVf
> LtaPqDqVZhu4xVQoNTZrcJE=
> =ylcQ


To clarify the original mail to Jonathan was sent by elfy on behalf of 
the Community Council. Collaboration and input from the CC was done as a 
council together. It was sent by Elfy for various reasons below:

The CC is split over various timezones, Jonathan is based in EMEA, 
however there are only three of us in EMEA, one of which works for 
Canonical and we thought it best to come from one of the others.

Elfy was available to send the email to Jonathan as I was busy with 
work.  We all have moderator access to the list and moderated should any 
replies came in.

It was not GpG signed as Elfy doesn’t send mail that way.

It was not sent directly to a public list as we wished to give all 
parties some time to digest the email again as many people are spread 
out over various timezones we felt it was better to directly email the 
group  as individuals.

As with previous cases, the CC tried to keep the full names of 
individuals out of announcements as we know that it has an effect on the 
lives of people. That’s why we tried to resolve these issues in a 
smaller circle of people.

*Laura *
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