Something for everyone
Valorie Zimmerman
valorie.zimmerman at
Mon Jun 15 06:26:24 UTC 2015
On Fri, Jun 12, 2015 at 7:36 PM, Paul Sladen <ubuntu at> wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> It's always quite hard for the wider *buntu community to know
> progress; so firstly of all kudos to Mark, Marc, Stéphane, Pitti and
> Kees for the visible and interesting discussion over on the
> tech-board:
> "Proposal to help CC with potential conflicts of interest"
> Also to David for the proactive insight into the community team's
> recent work---it's likely to also be useful for the wider *buntu
> community to appreciate what happens:
> "Community team week 24 summary"
> I've not had the privilege of speaking to everyone (grab me if you'd
> like, I'm opening to offering reflections and guidance to all equally
> in the interests of being within a friendly community)---I've sensed a
> couple of 'grumps' from both directions and I'm wondering whether it
> might smooth things along by trying to find a solution to both, in
> equal measure at the same time. So, in no particular order:
> 1.
> "CC has provided some more examples … this additional information was not
> sent to our mailing list but individually to the Kubuntu council members"
> With this, there seems to be some confusion what whether it is desired
> to publish the extra information. I can't judge what it contains as I
> haven't seen it, but I am able to see why it might be confusing to
> express concerns about publication and then in-turn not to have it
> published. Equally I can see why it might be frustrating to have
> information /delivered/ privately and then be unsure what to do with
> it. (If it's useful, of those I've spoken to, nobody has
> [yet] expressed an objection to its publication).
> 2.
> "The Community Council is currently working on a communication to
> the Kubuntu Council with regard to their request for additional
> information."
> With this, there seems to be some frustration that this page is
> ranking high in search results. I can see this viewpoint and how it
> might be causing continued frustration especially as such a visible
> reminder. The post is a duplicate of material already on this list
> archive, so I'm wondering if José might be able to weight on whether
> it would be useful or might make sense to replace the article with
> just a link to the archive here at:
> ...Conversation likely arrives more easily when individuals can see
> and recognise equal frustrations and equal steps to willingness. If
> these two points are small bumps getting in the way of comfort for
> everyone, I wonder if individuals on the Kubuntu Community Council
> might be willing to look over a solution for point (1) while
> individuals from the Ubuntu Community Council might be willing to look
> over a solution for point (2). And then to do these in tandem.
> -Paul
Paul, we appreciate your efforts to tone it down, and we welcome your
two proposals:
(1) It is OK to post everything we members of the Kubuntu Council have
said privately to the list, because we've only been seeking the good
of the entire community in this entire matter.
(2) It is absolutely terrible to have this article posted on the
Fridge. It reflects badly not just on the UCC, but all of Ubuntu that
it was posted, and that it stays up. Your proposal to replace the
article with a link to the same message is a welcome step, but we
believe the better approach is to remove it entirely. While "the bell
cannot be unrung". the members of the Kubuntu Council believe removing
the article is a good step in ratcheting back the tensions, which we
believe is a goal of all of us.
Valorie Zimmerman, for the Kubuntu Council
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