Call for testing: Ubuntu community volunteer board [UPDATE 3]

Ian Weisser ian-weisser at
Mon Dec 29 21:22:00 UTC 2014

Thanks to everyone who has helped to test the job board tool and
provided valuable feedback.
The latest testing iteration is up at

I think we're fairly converged to a good solution, and it's time to talk
next steps:

- Who can get this tool installed onto the Community website?

- Who will be in charge of maintaining the content?
(I'll do it...if I can have access.)

- Thoughts on rollout buzz. I think we have two groups to push the "Hey,
use this new tool" message toward: 1) Teams and projects, so they will
advertise roles on it and build great landing pages. 2) Support Gurus,
so they will steer new enthusiasts toward it. 
Who am I missing?



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