Mentoring Systems Within the Community

cprofitt cprofitt at
Fri Dec 12 22:20:37 UTC 2014

On Fri, 2014-12-12 at 12:36 -0500, José Antonio Rey wrote:

> Charles, Elfy, or anyone that's been part of the UBT - I'd like to hear
> your input with regards to this.

The UBT was born from the Ubuntu Forums and was aimed at helping people
grow as contributors. The original mentors were growing themselves and
looking to have people learn with them. They had a passion for the area
they were mentoring in:

 - Documentation
 - Wiki
 - Bug Control
 - etc

What happened is those people became more and more involved in the teams
they were interested, they graduated college, got jobs, had kids, and in
general moves slowly on in life.

Several key members served as leaders in the Ubuntu Community:

 - Myself
 - Elfy
 - Silverfox
 - Paultag
 - nhandler
 - Bodhizazen
The UBT decided to step down gracefully as a team. One of the side
effects it had was to empower other teams to bring new people on by
themselves. The UBT became less and less necessary to help people
contribute to Ubuntu. It was a fantastic team with the right idea at the
right time.

I think more important than mentoring is finding a way to get new people
in to the discussion we are having now... in to the flow of the Ubuntu
community... we need some new voices, fresh perspectives and
'youthful' (though not necessarily young in age) energy.


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