[U-co] 12.04 - no reconoce red

Diego Suarez oneinfo en gmail.com
Vie Abr 27 11:47:32 UTC 2012

hola, ps les cuento... no pasa nada de nada.
diego en diego-IA:~$ sudo /etc/init.d/network-manager restart
[sudo] password for diego:
Rather than invoking init scripts through /etc/init.d, use the service(8)
utility, e.g. service network-manager restart

Since the script you are attempting to invoke has been converted to an
Upstart job, you may also use the stop(8) and then start(8) utilities,
e.g. stop network-manager ; start network-manager. The restart(8) utility
is also available.
network-manager stop/waiting
network-manager start/running, process 2251

descargue el iso, lo queme, y al iniciar el live, sucede lo mismo (no
detecta red)

El 26 de abril de 2012 20:01, Jhosman Lizarazo <yo en jhosman.com> escribió:

> SI haces un ifconfig en la terminal que sale?
> --
> Jhosman Alfonso Lizarazo
> Cel: 3108864922
> www.Jhosman.com
> www.ColombianHost.net
> --
> Al escribir recuerde observar la etiqueta (normas) de esta lista:
> http://goo.gl/Pu0ke
> Para cambiar su inscripción, vaya a "Cambio de opciones" en
> http://goo.gl/Nevnx

Diego Suárez - Sistemas, Certificado SENA - Bogotá - Colombia
Ubuntu User # 27194 ~ Linux user # 489499

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