[U-co] [OT] Diaspora* pide ayuda a programadores
Carlos Alberto Ospina
electricaos07 en gmail.com
Mie Nov 23 18:20:23 UTC 2011
Carlos Alberto Ospina E.
Linux User #506652
On 23 November 2011 12:04, Alejo Next <fotocopiatk en gmail.com> wrote:
> Bueno... ya que es la Lista de Ubuntu se supone que estas manejando un
> servidor ubuntu :) Cosas que nesecitas para hacer dicha instalación
> - El servidor (En este caso Ubuntu)
> - Tener paciencia
> - Tenerlo conectado a Internet
> - Tener muchas ganas
> Lo primero que debes hacer es decidirte por que tipo de foro, es decir que
> script quieres utilizar. Si lo quieres en PHP, Java o C#, lo mas común es
> en PHP, aquí te dejo una lista de foros en PHP
> http://www.desarrolloweb.com/**scripts/php/foros-php.php<http://www.desarrolloweb.com/scripts/php/foros-php.php>tienes que darte cuenta de los requerimientos técnicos de cada uno!!
> Después de ello debes seguir con el montaje del servidor, ejemplo si
> nesecitas PHP, Apache y MySQL o Tomcat, PostgreSQL, Ahy millones de formas
> de montar un servidor. Por eso los requerimientos técnicos son los
> indispensables!
> Para finalizar es la instalación de dicho scirpt... y alli tienes
> corriendo tu Foro!! :)
> Espero que te sirva!!! Saludos!
> El 23/11/11 01:22, Jose Fernando Chaparro S escribió:
> Señores
>> que pena pero requiero informacion para un la instalacion de un foro y no
>> se como ralizar el post.
>> gracias
>> 2011/11/22 Carlos Alberto Ospina<electricaos07 en gmail.com**>
>> Hola Comunidad,
>>> Una solicitud de ayuda desde otra comunidad.
>>> Pistos – 7 days ago – 9 reshares
>>> Dear #Diasporans, and Internet At Large: Developers Needed
>>> We welcome all the people who are #NewHere ! There is always a regular
>>> stream of suggestions and comments about how #Diaspora could improve. We
>>> (the #dev team) appreciate all your feedback and ideas, and we very much
>>> want to keep up Diaspora development -- squishing bugs, adding features,
>>> improving the user experience.
>>> Please be reminded that we have a list of Known Issues and Acknowledged
>>> Feature Requests which enumerates some of the most common feedback
>>> items. Before putting forth your suggestion, please review the list to
>>> see if it's already there. You could be like-minded with some other
>>> helpful folks who have come before you. :)
>>> Having said all that, I put this out as a plea that we need more
>>> development help. If you think "Oh, this is a hugely popular open source
>>> project, with hundreds, if not thousands of watchers, and lots of media
>>> attention.
>>> They surely have dozens of coders working around the clock on it." you
>>> would be mistaken. In truth, the core team is comprised of 3 people, and
>>> the number of non-core developers that have contributed in the past week
>>> or two is about 10 to 15 -- and not all those developers commit every
>>> single day, or put in hours of work each day. Every one of us on the dev
>>> team wants to see Diaspora flower, spread and succeed.
>>> We want to see as many popular feature requests implemented as possible.
>>> I think this team is talented, smart, and (most of all) dedicated and
>>> hard working. So, while we are capable of accomplishing the outstanding
>>> todos, we can only do that so quickly. The more people we have, the more
>>> person-hours can be churned out in a day, and that means fixes and
>>> features come that much sooner.
>>> So, if you yourself are an experienced developer, or know anyone that
>>> is, send them our way. Prospective developers can get started by
>>> skimming the project wiki, and then contacting us either on the
>>> developers' mailing list, or in IRC.
>>> Thank you. :)
>>> --
>>> Al escribir recuerde observar la etiqueta (normas) de esta lista:
>>> http://ur1.ca/0uf7
>>> Para cambiar su inscripción, vaya a "Cambio de opciones" en
>>> http://ur1.ca/0uf9
> --
> Alejo Next
> --
> Al escribir recuerde observar la etiqueta (normas) de esta lista:
> http://ur1.ca/0uf7
> Para cambiar su inscripción, vaya a "Cambio de opciones" en
> http://ur1.ca/0uf9
Sres. moderadores
Asi se pierde el hilo al mensaje...se pidio ayuda para Diaspora y se
termino dando respuesta a un tema diferente.
un saludo
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