[U-co] [Fwd: Fwd: Free Codeweavers]
Julián Alarcón
alarconj en gmail.com
Mar Oct 28 14:22:31 UTC 2008
On Tue, Oct 28, 2008 at 2:45 AM, Fabian Rodriguez <magicfab en ubuntu.com>wrote:
> Para quienes quieran usar Codeweavers y tener soporte oficial por un 365
> dias :)
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Daniel A. Ramaley
> Date: Mon, Oct 27, 2008 at 4:12 PM
> Subject: [Cialug] Free Codeweavers
> To: Central Iowa Linux Users Group <cialug en cialug.org>
> On Tuesday, Oct. 28, 2008, any one visiting the CodeWeavers' Web site
> (www.codeweavers.com) will be given a deal code that will entitle them
> to one free copy of CodeWeavers' award-winning CrossOver software. Each
> copy comes complete with support.
> http://www.codeweavers.com/about/general/press/20081027/
> --
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Mmm, creo que solo es disponible en los Estados Unidos.
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