[U-co] Probelmas con elinicio de ubuntu
Fundación Juan Tama
fundacion.juan.tama en gmail.com
Mar Oct 7 01:24:07 UTC 2008
Quise iniciar uno de mis equipos y me apareció el siguiente screen...
y no arranca, me dan otra mano?
/dev/sda7: Unattached inode 733227
(i.e., without -a or -p options)
fsck died with exit status 4
Cheking drive /dev/sda7: 94% (stage 4/5, 45/60)
* An automatic file system check (fsck) of the root filesystem failed.
A manual fsck must be perfomed, then the system restarted.
The fsck should be performed in maintenance mode with the
root filesystem mounted in ready-only mode.
* The root filesystem id curretnly mounted in read-only mode.
A maintenance shell will now be started.
After performing system maintenance, press control -D
to terminate the maintenance shell and restart the system.
bash: no job control in this shell
bash: groups: command not fund
bash: lesspipe: command not fund
bash: command: command not fund
bash: the: command not fund
bash: dircolors: command not fund
bash:Command: command not fund
bash: The: command not fund
root en fomento:
... porque los pueblos indígenas del mundo tenemos derecho a pervivir
con nuestra propia manera de pensar y actuar...
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