[U-co] Firefox named most vulnerable Windows application

Tec. Edwin Garzón edwingarzon10 en yahoo.es
Mar Dic 16 16:13:09 UTC 2008



From: Tec. Edwin Garzón [mailto:edwingarzon10 en yahoo.es] 
Sent: martes, 16 de diciembre de 2008 11:07 AM
To: 'ubuntu-co-bounces en lists.ubuntu.com'
Subject: Firefox named most vulnerable Windows application


In a list, published by security firm Bit9 <http://www.bit9.com/> , of 12
most vulnerable applications for the Windows platform, Firefox finished at
the top of the list. 

The browser has earned the reputation from Mozilla patching 10
vulnerabilities which could be used to gain control, access, or execute
miscellaneous code via buffer overflow, malformed URI links, javascript,
documents and third party tools.

The browser is well respected throughout its open source community. Users
can download add-ons, themes and many other tweaks that users can be used to
adjust, modify and tweak their browser for maximum performance and

Bit9 <http://www.bit9.com/files/Vulnerable_Apps_DEC_08.pdf>  posted a list
of the top 12 vulnerable applications:

1.	Mozilla Firefox 
2.	Adobe Flash and Adobe Acrobat 
3.	EMC VMware Player,Workstation and other products 
4.	Sun Java JDK and JRE, Sun Java Runtime Environment (JRE) 
5.	Apple QuickTime, Safari and iTunes 
6.	Symantec Norton products (all flavors 2006 to 2008) 
7.	Trend Micro OfficeScan 
8.	Citrix Products 
9.	Aurigma Image Uploader, Lycos FileUploader 
10.	Skype 
11.	Yahoo Assistant 
12.	Microsoft Windows Live (MSN) Messenger


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