[U-co] [Fwd: Ubuntu Developer Summit Participation]
Fabian Rodriguez
magicfab en ubuntu.com
Dom Mayo 6 07:38:04 UTC 2007
Hash: RIPEMD160
Para su información, de especial interés la posibilidad de participar
por VoIP.
Pour votre information, notez la possibilité de participer par VoiP.
- -------- Original Message --------
Subject: Ubuntu Developer Summit Participation
Date: Sat, 05 May 2007 18:14:58 +0100
From: James Troup <james.troup en canonical.com>
Reply-To: ubuntu-devel-discuss en lists.ubuntu.com
To: ubuntu-devel-announce en lists.ubuntu.com
The Ubuntu developer summit in Sevilla kicks off tomorrow at 9am CEST
(GMT+2). Full details of the summit are available at:
If you are attending, please come to:
Hotel Silken Al-Andalus Palace
Avenida de la Palmera s/n,
41012 Sevilla
If you are interested in participating in any of the discussions, but
are unable to attend, we have several options for you:
- - You can listen to, or take part in the discussions via VOIP
- - Documents being written at the summit will be edited with Gobby (a
collaborative text editor). Please note that you will need to be
using gobby 0.4.1 (or later), which is in Edgy (and later). Dapper
backports are available; see the URL below.
- - Some discussions, link pastings, etc. will take place in IRC channels.
There is a general discussion channel (#uds-sevilla on Freenode) and
individual channels for each conference session (details of which will
be in the conference schedule).
Details on how to use each of these services are available at:
Please read the above link, especially if you wish to use the VOIP
services as you will need to register to get access.
- --
- --
ubuntu-devel-announce mailing list
ubuntu-devel-announce en lists.ubuntu.com
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