[U-co] [Fwd: Some appreciation for our community]

Fabian Rodriguez magicfab en ubuntu.com
Mar Abr 17 11:43:04 UTC 2007

Sorry for cross-posting, just thought this would be of interest to 
all... we're getting closer!

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: 	Some appreciation for our community
Date: 	Mon, 16 Apr 2007 23:44:05 -0400
From: 	Ben Collins <ben.collins en ubuntu.com>
Reply-To: 	ubuntu-devel-discuss en lists.ubuntu.com
To: 	ubuntu-devel-announce en lists.ubuntu.com

I get emails and an msg's on IRC regularly thanking me for the work I do
with Ubuntu's kernel, but today, I'd like to thank the community.

During the last 4-5 days, we've hit on some extremely serious bugs in
the kernel, just before release. I think the total count was 5 major
bugs, and a couple slightly less serious ones. The kernel team, and a
few other distro team members stayed up some long sleepless nights
working on these issues. However, that's what we get paid for. So the
community that stayed up with us on these long nights deserve just as
much appreciation, if not more.

For each of these bugs, we had at least 4 people on IRC (and some times
as many as 7) performing every trivial task we asked them to do, in a
very short time frame in order to debug and test fixes for the various
issues. It would be an understatement to say that they were key in
helping us get these bugs fixed and tested quickly, and by the same
token, get the release out on time.

My hats off to you all, you know who you are. I apologize for not having
names. I'm sure the entire distro team sends their thanks as well.

I hope you all enjoy Feisty Fawn when it's released. It truly is a
community effort to get so much done in 6 months.

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