[ Ubuntu-cm ] Developers per country (2013)

Nacer Adamou Saidou adamou.nacer at gmail.com
Thu Aug 22 16:59:03 UTC 2013

Il faudrait voir les stats des années précédentes.

Le 22 août 2013 à 18:40, jean-baptiste bang nteme <jbang_nteme at yahoo.fr> a écrit :

> Salut Adamou, qu'en est-il de l'Egypte ante crise ?
> /:=============================:/
> Jean-Baptiste BANG NTEME
> Concepteur de sites Internet
> et supports multimedia
> Gsm : (237)
> Yaoundé - Cameroun
> /:=============================:/
> ----- Mail transféré -----
> De : Nacer Adamou Saidou <adamou.nacer at gmail.com>
> À : "linux-cm at diffusion.francophonie.org" <linux-cm at diffusion.francophonie.org>; Ubuntu Cameroon Local Community Team <ubuntu-cm at lists.ubuntu.com> 
> Envoyé le : Vendredi 9 août 2013 18h32
> Objet : Fwd: Developers per country (2013)
> FYI,
> juste une remarque: en Afrique, seuls deux pays contribuent au projet Debian: l'Afrique du Sud avec trois développeurs actifs et … Madagascar (1 développeur actif, ne me regardez pas, c'est pas moi).
> Bon, les gars, au boulot pour que le Cameroun aussi figure dans la liste, ou bien (comme disent les burkinabé)?
> A bientôt
> Début du message réexpédié :
>> Renvoyé-De : debian-project at lists.debian.org
>> De : Boris Pek <tehnick at debian.org>
>> Objet : Rép : Developers per country (2013)
>> Date : 9 août 2013 20:02:11 UTC+03:00
>> À : debian-project at lists.debian.org
>> Cc: Christian PERRIER <bubulle at debian.org>
>> Hi folks,
>> This is a reply to Christian's article [1], which is interesting as always.
>> [1] http://www.perrier.eu.org/weblog/2013/07/27#devel-countries-201307
>> First, let's see how the number of active developers and population are
>> really related. The correlation coefficients are:
>> 0.10 (2013), 0.09 (2012), 0.09 (2011), 0.08 (2010).
>> Very low, unfortunately. But it was predictable...
>> Next, let's analyse how the number of developers in country is depended on
>> standard of living. GDP [2] per capita (based on International Monetary Fund
>> figures [3] for 2012) is chosen as an indicator of the standard of living.
>> This ratio can be interpreted as a conditional measure the effectiveness of
>> the country in the field of Debian development. (In other words, how much
>> money is needed for production or for attracting a single Debian developer in
>> given country).
>> Or it can be interpreted as a response to the question "where Debian
>> developers live well". (If we assume, that Debian developers may move freely,
>> they should be concentrated in places with the best conditions for their
>> life).
>> This is not my idea to use GDP for statistic analysis [4], but I found it
>> quite attractive. So all data were re-calculated and this note was prepared.
>> [2] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gross_domestic_product
>> [3] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_GDP_%28PPP%29
>>    Data for Luxemburg were taken here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Luxembourg
>>    Data for Cuba were taken from CIA World Factbook (1993–2012).
>> [4] http://www.opennet.ru/opennews/art.shtml?num=34040 (in Russian)
>> And here is the list, sorted by the ratio of *active* developers per GDP for
>> each country.
>> GDP:   GDP data in trillions (10^12) of international dollars
>> GDP/P: GDP per capita in thousands of international dollars
>> Act:   number of active developers
>> Dev:   total number of developers
>> A/G:   number of active developers per GDP
>> D/G:   number of all developers per GDP
>> 2013:  rank in the list, sorted by the ratio of active developers per GDP;
>>       data for 2013 (July)
>> 2012:  rank in the list, sorted by the ratio of active developers per GDP;
>>       data for 2012 (June)
>> 2013P: rank in the list, sorted by the ratio of active developers per
>>       million population; data for 2013 (July)
>> 2012P: rank in the list, sorted by the ratio of active developers per
>>       million population; data for 2012 (June)
>> Code	Country		GDP	Population	GDP/P	Act	Dev	A/G	D/G	2013	2012	2013P	2012P
>> fi	Finland		0.198	5259250		37.6	19	31	96.0	156.6	1	1	1	1
>> nz
>> 	New Zealand	0.129	4331600		29.8	10	15	77.5	116.3	2	3	7	7
>> ie	Ireland		0.191	4670976		40.9	12	15	62.8	78.5	3	4	2	2
>> se	Sweden		0.396	9088728		43.6	22	37	55.6	93.4	4	5	5	5
>> ch	Switzerland	0.362	7870134		46.0	20	27	55.2	74.6	5	6	3	3
>> de	Germany		3.194	81471834	39.2	165	235	51.7	73.6	6	7	8	9
>> mg	Madagascar	0.021	21281844	1.0	1	1	47.6	47.6	7	2	50	40
>> at	Austria		0.359	8217280		43.7	16	26	44.6	72.4	8	10	10	10
>> fr	France		2.253	65350000	34.5	100	130	44.4	57.7	9	9	11	11
>> no	Norway		0.278	4973029		55.9	12	15	43.2	54.0	10	8	6	6
>> be	Belgium		0.421	11071483	38.0	14	17	33.3	40.4	11	13	13	13
>> au	Australia	0.961	22607571	42.5	31	59	32.3	61.4	12	16	12	12
>> uk	United Kingdom	2.316	62698362	36.9	73	114	31.5	49.2	13	14	14	14
>> lt	Lithuania	0.064	3535547		18.1	2	2	31.3	31.3	14	12	21	22
>> bg	Bulgaria	0.104	7364570		14.1	3	3	28.8	28.8	15	11	27	23
>> lv	Latvia		0.037	2204708		16.8	1	1	27.0	27.0	16	17	26	27
>> nl	Netherlands	0.710	16728091	42.4	19	40	26.8	56.3	17	18	15	15
>> hu	Hungary		0.197	10076062	19.6	5	10	25.4	50.8	18	15	24	20
>> hr	Croatia		0.080	4290612		18.6	2	2	25.0	25.0	19	19	25	26
>> es	Spain		1.407	46754784	30.1	35	56	24.9	39.8	20	22	18	18
>> dk	Denmark		0.210	5529888		38.0	5	10	23.8	47.6	21	20	17	17
>> lu	Luxemburg	0.042	503302		83.4	1	1	23.8	23.8	22	21	9	8
>> ca	Canada		1.446	33476688	43.2	32	61	22.1	42.2	23	23	16	16
>> cz	Czech Republic	0.287	10190213	28.2	6	6	20.9	20.9	24	24	20	21
>> it	Italy		1.834	59464644	30.8	36	51	19.6	27.8	25	25	19	19
>> uy	Uruguay		0.054	3477778		15.5	1	2	18.5	37.0	26	26	28	28
>> cr	Costa Rica	0.059	4301712		13.7	1	1	16.9	16.9	27	27	31	31
>> il	Israel		0.248	7740900		32.0	4	6	16.1	24.2	28	28	23	25
>> by	Belarus		0.150	9577552		15.7	2	2	13.3	13.3	29	39	32	39
>> gt	Guatemala	0.078	13824463	5.6	1	1	12.8	12.8	30	 –	43	 –
>> rs	Serbia		0.080	7186862		11.1	1	1	12.5	12.5	31	 –	38	 –
>> pl	Poland		0.802	38441588	20.9	10	14	12.5	17.5	32	29	30	30
>> us	USA		15.653	313232044	50.0	173	378	11.1	24.1	33	31	22	24
>> br	Brazil		2.366	192376496	12.3	21	23	8.9	9.7	34	32	40	38
>> cu	Cuba		0.121	11241161	10.8	1	1	8.3	8.3	35	33	41	41
>> pt	Portugal	0.245	10561614	23.2	2	4	8.2	16.3	36	34	34	34
>> ar	Argentina	0.747	40677348	18.4	6	8	8.0	10.7	37	30	37	32
>> jp	Japan		4.617	127078679	36.3	35	50	7.6	10.8	38	35	29	29
>> sk	Slovak Republic	0.132	5477038		24.1	1	1	7.6	7.6	39	36	36	36
>> ec	Ecuador		0.135	15007343	9.0	1	1	7.4	7.4	40	37	45	43
>> gr	Greece		0.281	10787690	26.0	2	3	7.1	10.7	41	38	35	35
>> co	Colombia	0.500	45566856	11.0	3	4	6.0	8.0	42	40	46	47
>> za	South Africa	0.579	50590000	11.4	3	10	5.2	17.3	43	42	48	48
>> ve	Venezuela	0.402	28047938	14.3	2	2	5.0	5.0	44	48	44	49
>> ro	Romania		0.274	21904551	12.5	1	2	3.6	7.3	45	41	51	46
>> tw	Taiwan		0.902	23040040	39.1	3	3	3.3	3.3	46	43	39	37
>> cl	Chile		0.319	16746491	19.0	1	2	3.1	6.3	47	44	47	44
>> pe	Peru		0.325	29907003	10.9	1	1	3.1	3.1	48	45	53	51
>> sg	Singapore	0.327	5183700		63.1	1	1	3.1	3.1	49	46	33	33
>> ua	Ukraine		0.345	45134707	7.6	1	1	2.9	2.9	50	58	55	59
>> ru	Russia		2.512	143030106	17.6	7	8	2.8	3.2	51	47	49	45
>> kr	South Korea	1.622	48754657	33.3	4	6	2.5	3.7	52	49	42	42
>> my	Malaysia	0.492	28250000	17.4	1	1	2.0	2.0	53	50	52	50
>> in	India		4.711	1210193422	3.9	9	9	1.9	1.9	54	53	60	57
>> eg	Egypt		0.538	80081093	6.7	1	3	1.9	5.6	55	51	57	55
>> tr	Turkey		1.125	74724269	15.1	2	2	1.8	1.8	56	52	54	52
>> th	Thailand	0.646	66720153	9.7	1	2	1.5	3.1	57	54	56	54
>> cn	China		12.383	1344413526	9.2	10	14	0.8	1.1	58	56	59	56
>> mx	Mexico		1.758	112336538	15.6	1	1	0.6	0.6	59	55	58	53
>> sv	El Salvador	0.046	7066403		6.5	0	1	0.0	21.7	60	57	61	58
>> A few interesting facts:
>> * Finland is on top of the list again. Really impressive!
>> * There are no reliable GDP data for Martinique, it is a part of France from
>>  financial point of view. This DD might be added to France, but I preferred
>>  to drop this string. I am sorry, David, you were not counted.
>> * China and Mexico are in the end of list. In order to "create" one DD these
>>  countries should "work" arduously in 120 and 160 times more than Finland.
>> The correlation coefficients between the number of active developers and GDP:
>> 0.60 (2013), 0.60 (2012). Hey, it looks much better!
>> Make conclusions on your own. =)
>> Best wishes,
>> Boris
>> PS:
>> This is not a refutation of Christian's article, but an addition to it.
>> PPS:
>> I do not have web blog, because I am not interested in such kind of activity.
>> If anyone wants to publish this note in his/her web blog, feel free to do it.
>> -- 
>> https://wiki.debian.org/BorisPek
>> -- 
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