[ Ubuntu-cm ] Tr : Fwd: Developers per country (2013)

jean-baptiste bang nteme jbang_nteme at yahoo.fr
Thu Aug 22 15:40:49 UTC 2013

Salut Adamou, qu'en est-il de l'Egypte ante crise ?
Jean-Baptiste BANG NTEME
Concepteur de sites Internet
et supports multimedia
Gsm : (237)
Yaoundé - Cameroun

----- Mail transféré -----
De : Nacer Adamou Saidou <adamou.nacer at gmail.com>
À : "linux-cm at diffusion.francophonie.org" <linux-cm at diffusion.francophonie.org>; Ubuntu Cameroon Local Community Team <ubuntu-cm at lists.ubuntu.com> 
Envoyé le : Vendredi 9 août 2013 18h32
Objet : Fwd: Developers per country (2013)

juste une remarque: en Afrique, seuls deux pays contribuent au projet Debian: l'Afrique du Sud avec trois développeurs actifs et … Madagascar (1 développeur actif, ne me regardez pas, c'est pas moi).
Bon, les gars, au boulot pour que le Cameroun aussi figure dans la liste, ou bien (comme disent les burkinabé)?
A bientôt

Début du message réexpédié :

Renvoyé-De : debian-project at lists.debian.org
>De : Boris Pek <tehnick at debian.org>
>Objet : Rép : Developers per country (2013)
>Date : 9 août 2013 20:02:11 UTC+03:00
>À : debian-project at lists.debian.org
>Cc: Christian PERRIER <bubulle at debian.org>
>Hi folks,
>This is a reply to Christian's article [1], which is interesting as always.
>[1] http://www.perrier.eu.org/weblog/2013/07/27#devel-countries-201307
>First, let's see how the number of active developers and population are
>really related. The correlation coefficients are:
>0.10 (2013), 0.09 (2012), 0.09 (2011), 0.08 (2010).
>Very low, unfortunately. But it was predictable...
>Next, let's analyse how the number of developers in country is depended on
>standard of living. GDP [2] per capita (based on International Monetary Fund
>figures [3] for 2012) is chosen as an indicator of the standard of living.
>This ratio can be interpreted as a conditional measure the effectiveness of
>the country in the field of Debian development. (In other words, how much
>money is needed for production or for attracting a single Debian developer in
>given country).
>Or it can be interpreted as a response to the question "where Debian
>developers live well". (If we assume, that Debian developers may move freely,
>they should be concentrated in places with the best conditions for their
>This is not my idea to use GDP for statistic analysis [4], but I found it
>quite attractive. So all data were re-calculated and this note was prepared.
>[2] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gross_domestic_product
>[3] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_GDP_%28PPP%29
>   Data for Luxemburg were taken here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Luxembourg
>   Data for Cuba were taken from CIA World Factbook (1993–2012).
>[4] http://www.opennet.ru/opennews/art.shtml?num=34040 (in Russian)
>And here is the list, sorted by the ratio of *active* developers per GDP for
>each country.
>GDP:   GDP data in trillions (10^12) of international dollars
>GDP/P: GDP per capita in thousands of international dollars
>Act:   number of active developers
>Dev:   total number of developers
>A/G:   number of active developers per GDP
>D/G:   number of all developers per GDP
>2013:  rank in the list, sorted by the ratio of active developers per GDP;
>      data for 2013 (July)
>2012:  rank in the list, sorted by the ratio of active developers per GDP;
>      data for 2012 (June)
>2013P: rank in the list, sorted by the ratio of active developers per
>      million population; data for 2013 (July)
>2012P: rank in the list, sorted by the ratio of active developers per
>      million population; data for 2012 (June)
>nzNew Zealand0.129433160029.8101577.5116.32377
>ukUnited Kingdom2.3166269836236.97311431.549.213141414
>czCzech Republic0.2871019021328.26620.920.924242021
>crCosta Rica0.059430171213.71116.916.927273131
>gtGuatemala0.078138244635.61112.812.830 –43 –
>rsSerbia0.080718686211.11112.512.531 –38 –
>skSlovak Republic0.132547703824.1117.67.639363636
>zaSouth Africa0.5795059000011.43105.217.343424848
>krSouth Korea1.6224875465733.3462.53.752494242
>svEl Salvador0.04670664036.5010.021.760576158
>A few interesting facts:
>* Finland is on top of the list again. Really impressive!
>* There are no reliable GDP data for Martinique, it is a part of France from
> financial point of view. This DD might be added to France, but I preferred
> to drop this string. I am sorry, David, you were not counted.
>* China and Mexico are in the end of list. In order to "create" one DD these
> countries should "work" arduously in 120 and 160 times more than Finland.
>The correlation coefficients between the number of active developers and GDP:
>0.60 (2013), 0.60 (2012). Hey, it looks much better!
>Make conclusions on your own. =)
>Best wishes,
>This is not a refutation of Christian's article, but an addition to it.
>I do not have web blog, because I am not interested in such kind of activity.
>If anyone wants to publish this note in his/her web blog, feel free to do it.
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