[ubuntu-cloud] single server setup orchestra juju openstack

Stefan stefan at fuhrmann.homedns.org
Thu Feb 2 15:24:52 UTC 2012

Hello all,

Im new to cloud techniques and want to learn and play around with ubuntu 
cloud. I dont have 6 machines to play with, only one server, so I tried a 
single server setup. I searches around but can not find a usefull docu to run a 
single server with orchestra, juju and openstack on ubuntu 11.10. Some on 
openstack irc told me about http://devstack.org/. Okay this is running but 
installing or using orchestra and juju fail. I tried also cdinstall and 
packageinstall but nothing will work for me.

Now Im trying again using:

but I hang with:

root at monster:~# juju bootstrap
error: Environments configuration error: /home/stefan/.juju/environments.yaml: 
environments.orchestra.default-series: required value not found

Now Im despairing....
Can someone give me some hints to get a  
single server setup orchestra juju openstack running?


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