[ubuntu-cloud] Announcing Ubuntu Cloud Days (in 2 days)

Ahmed Kamal kim0 at ubuntu.com
Mon Mar 21 12:38:51 UTC 2011

Hi everyone,

I'd like to announce Ubuntu Cloud Days. This is an IRC event where the 
Ubuntu Cloud Community gets together around tuition sessions and 
information sharing. During Cloud Days, you'll learn lots of exciting 
stuff, you'll interact with tons of smart people, and you'll just have 
fun! Be sure to mark your calendar, spread the word, join in and bring 
your friends!

Here's the sessions schedule

*Wed 23rd Mar
16.00 UTC*Cloud Computing 101, Ask your questions --- kim0
*17.00 UTC*Scaling shared-storage web apps in the cloud with Ubuntu & 
GlusterFS --- semiosis
*18.00 UTC*What is Ensemble? -- Presentation and Demo --- SpamapS
*19.00 UTC*Using Linux Containers in Natty --- hallyn
*20.00 UTC*Open-Stack Introduction --- soren

*Thu 24th Mar*
*16.00 UTC*rebundling/re-using Ubuntu's UEC images --- smoser
*17.00 UTC*UEC persistency --- tetet
*18.00 UTC*TBC --- Daviey
*19.00 UTC*Using hadoop, divide and conquer --- edulix

All session happen in IRC (Freenode) in #ubuntu-classroom. If you're new 
to IRC, you can simply use thisweb page 
join. For more information, check out thewiki page 
<https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuCloudDays>, also feel free to ping "kim0? 
on IRC

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