[ubuntu-cloud] Questiong on setup of cluster and node
Stephen Liu
satimis at yahoo.com
Sat Oct 30 11:45:39 BST 2010
From: Ziv Leyes <zivley at gmail.com>
To: ubuntu-cloud <ubuntu-cloud at lists.ubuntu.com>
Sent: Tue, October 26, 2010 5:30:49 PM
Subject: Re: [ubuntu-cloud] Questiong on setup of cluster and node
Hii Ziv,
- snip -
> The ubuntu cloud is meant to be a platform that runs VMs,
> so what you're trying to do is to run a VM platform from within a VM host!
Could you please explain in more detail. Whether Ubuntu Cloud is already a
platform with a virtualizer, say KVM or VirtualBox, running on it. It allows VM
to be installed and running on it. If my assumption is correct. Ubuntu Cloud
is command line operation without X. I can't run Virtual Machine Manager (GUI)
on it. Then the installation of VM (node) must be on command line? If I'm
wrong please advise. TIA
> As a no so related allegory, is like installing WindowsXP, then run VirtualBox,
> create a new machine, install Win7 and install VirtualBox inside it, and
> then expect that this VirtualBox will satisfy your needs...
Whether to find a new PC installing Win7 as host and then installing VirtualBox
on it. In such configuration I can install both cluster and nodes on VirtualBox
as VMs? I'm now running Ubuntu as host with VirtualBox installed on it. This
change is only on the host. Sorry I can't see the difference. Pls advise.
Stephen L
On Tue, Oct 26, 2010 at 10:00 AM, Stephen Liu <satimis at yahoo.com> wrote:
Hi Ahmed,
>Thanks for your advice.
>> Two get a "supported" installation, you'd need 2 PCs minimum.
>> PC-1 To act as cloud controller, cluster controller and
>> storage (walrus, SC)
>> PC-2 To act as "node". You can later on add as many nodes
>> as you want
>> I would be quite hesitant to install any of those as "VMs".
>I succeeded installing cluster as VM of PC-1. It is running and can be
>connected on browser remotely via Internet. But I failed to get the node
>running as VM of PC-1, in the same PC.
>I'll try installing a node as VM of PC-2 later. If failure making the cloud to
>work I would stop testing cloud computing until solution discovered.
>> There are hacks to install everything on one node, but
>> they're just hacks
>Running virtualization?
>Cloud computing is NOT a new technology, only the main frame and terminals on
>the service provider's server. This is a technology of yesterday tracing back
>to Utility Computing, Grid Engine, etc, several years back. I tested the later
>at least 4~5 years ago. At that time they were run by universities sharing
>I found following thread:-
>The Enterprise Cloud: How to Build a Server Demo
>Created by Terremark showing how to create a server on Web.
>Previously I did it in another way creating several servers (nodes), Linux and
>Windows, on VirtualBox/KVM. Users have full access to the servers over Internet
>with the IP address and password provided, on command line and GUI (RDP).
>I think the concept is more or less the same. I have following doubt :-
>Can the user have full knowhow and experience on monitoring and configuring the
>server? If YES he/she would build the server themselves, not to down/buy a
>I will be happy to see what new technology will be added to cloud computing in
>the not too distant future.
>Stephen L
>----- Original Message ----
>From: Ahmed Kamal <ahmed.kamal at canonical.com>
>To: ubuntu-cloud <ubuntu-cloud at lists.ubuntu.com>
>Sent: Mon, October 25, 2010 5:51:03 PM
>Subject: Re: [ubuntu-cloud] Questiong on setup of cluster and node
>On 10/23/2010 01:00 PM, Stephen Liu wrote:
>> Hi folks,
>> I'm a little bid confused on the setup of Enterprise Cloud. Cluster and node
>> can't coexist on the same PC which is my finding.
>> 1)
>> PC-1 for cluster
>> Cluster can be installed on VM which is my finding.
>> PC-2 for node
>> I suppose node can also be installed on VM, but NOT on the same PC with
>> What about if I need adding more nodes whether I need adding more PCs? Or
>> can coexist on the same PC running as VMs? If it needs adding more PCs then
>> better go away from Cloud.
>Hey Stephen,
>Two get a "supported" installation, you'd need 2 PCs minimum.
>PC-1 To act as cloud controller, cluster controller and storage (walrus, SC)
>PC-2 To act as "node". You can later on add as many nodes as you want
>I would be quite hesitant to install any of those as "VMs". There are
>hacks to install everything on one node, but they're just hacks
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