[ubuntu-cloud] Running Ubuntu 10.04 LTS "offline" in KVM

Richard Harvey richard at squarecows.com
Fri Oct 22 11:25:34 BST 2010

Hi all,

I see now that ubuntu 10.10 ships with these two extra files:


This allows you to run 10.10 locally in KVM without a cloud so you can test
your images before deploying them. As detailed here:


However you can't do this to test a 10.04 image, so my questions are:

1.) Has anyone managed to backport this so you can run a 10.04 LTS image
2.) Or has anyone managed to achieve running a image locally using another

This would be extremely useful as I want to run the LTS version for the
deployments, but It would be nice to test locally at first.

Thanks in advance.


Richard Harvey
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