[ubuntu-cloud] deboostrapped lucid image from maverick fails on ec2 (with and without AKI/custom kernel)

Spike Spiegel fsmlab at gmail.com
Sun Nov 21 18:11:58 GMT 2010


finally some real progress.

On Sun, Nov 21, 2010 at 11:51 AM, Spike Spiegel <fsmlab at gmail.com> wrote:

> that's all. in the meantime I'm gonna try to get one of those images,
> strip it out of stuff and then rebundle it and see what happens if I
> pick an amazon AKI.

this worked (can ssh in and all) and answered some of the questions
above. I've downloaded the lucid uec tar.gz, chrooted and customized
it to my likings, including removing all the kernels to reduce the
size as much as possible while growing the img size to use the whole
10GB root of a small ec2 instance (otherwise you only get the 1.5 the
img is created as). As an AKI I've actually used the one reported
here[1] (aki-6603f70f). I used the default ramdisk ARI, altho I'd very
much like to understand what that implies since that image is not
supposed to use a ramdisk afaik and I'm not sure which ones do and why
and how you'd pick an ARI if needed. Anyway, I'm a step closer.

Next I'll try to rebuilt the whole thing with vmbuilder, especially
since the current lucid kernel does not seem to have bridging support
available which I need for lxc, so guess I'll have to work out the
pv-grub stuff after all and run my own kernel.



[1] http://uec-images.ubuntu.com/query/lucid/server/released.current.txt

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