[ubuntu-cloud] UEC Single Point of failure

Björn Böttcher bboettche at googlemail.com
Thu Nov 4 08:06:11 GMT 2010

Hm so it might be this setup for a single point of entry/failure-free system

machine A: CC1/SC1/CLC1/Walrus1
machine B: CC2/SC2/CLC2/Walrus2
machine C: NC1
machine D: NC2
machine E: NC3

But do the multiple machines synchronize automatically?


2010/11/4 Zeeshan Ali Shah <zashah at pdc.kth.se>

>  Hi ,
> I think in your case the single point of entry/failure is still Machine A.
> even if  have multiple CCs , we will still have single point of failure on
> ClC/Walrus level .
> correct me if i am wrong please
> BR
> Zeeshan
> On 11/04/2010 08:53 AM, Björn Böttcher wrote:
> Hi Ziv,
>  yes thank you. If I install on two machines a CC like in the example with
> 5 physical machines:
>  machine A: CLC/Walrus
> machine B: CC1/SC1
> machine C: NC1
> machine D: CC2/SC2
> machine E: NC2
>  Do the CC1 and CC2 and also the SC have automatically the same
> information? Or do I need to configure something like a Hot-Standby between
> both machines (in this example B and D) ?
>  Cheers,
> Bjoern
> 2010/11/4 Ziv Leyes <zivley at gmail.com>
>>  Hi Björn,
>> I guess you might be confused due to subtle semantics, it doesn't say it
>> SHOULD be 1 CC, it says at least, the minimal requirement (not recommended
>> for production environments) is to have 2 machines, but the more, the
>> merrier.
>> Please take a look at the different possible topologies in the link below:
>> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEC/Topologies
>>  Hope this helps,
>> Ziv
>> 2010/11/3 Björn Böttcher <bboettche at googlemail.com>
>>>  Hi everyone,
>>>  According to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UE...nstallSeparate<https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEC/PackageInstallSeparate>,
>>> there should be only 1 Cloud Controller (CLC) and, as I read the page, only
>>> 1 Walrus Controller. (WS3)
>>> What would happen is 1 of these crash?
>>>  Is there a recommended solution for backup an UEC Configuration?
>>>  ~Bjoern
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> Regards
> Zeeshan Ali Shah
> System Administrator
> PDC-Center for High Performance Computing
> KTH-Royal Institute of Technology , Sweden
> +46 8 790 9115
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