[ubuntu-cloud] Warning: Mailing lists merge due tomorrow
Nicolas (Nick) Barcet
nick.barcet at canonical.com
Thu May 27 15:02:10 BST 2010
Following-up on the RFC I sent previously (see below) and the consensus
that emerged from it on point 1, we are about to proceed with the merge
of the ubuntu-ec2 mailing list into the ubuntu-cloud mailing list. This
means that from tomorrow :
* all the subscribers of ubuntu-ec2 will be unsubscribed from it and
subscribed to the ubuntu-cloud mailing list.
* the archives of the ubuntu-ec2 mailing will remain available, but the
list will be deactivated
If you are a member of the ubuntu-ec2 mailing list, get ready to update
your rules tomorrow if you have any.
If you are a member of the ubuntu-cloud mailing list, you should not
notice any changes.
For a while, emails sent to the ubuntu-ec2 mailing list will be
redirected to the ubuntu-cloud mailing list.
Thanks a lot,
On 03/25/2010 03:31 AM, Nicolas Barcet wrote:
> Hello,
> We have been thinking about a couple improvements in the way that we
> share information that we would like to propose to this community for
> comment:
> 1/ Joining the ubuntu-ec2 and the ubuntu-cloud mailing lists
> As both mailing list are fairly low in terms of traffic, and that the
> Ubuntu strategy is clearly to allow simple use of images both on EC2 and
> Ubuntu Enterprise Cloud (UEC), we are considering merging the two
> mailing lists into one -> ubuntu-cloud at lists.ubuntu.com. This would
> mean moving all the member of this mailing to the ubuntu-cloud one in an
> automated way which would have a side effect that people using rules to
> sort their email would have to update their rule.
> 2/ cloud planet aggregator to mailing list notification
> As we have been doing in the past for twitter, we are thinking about
> using a bot to inform the (possibly unified) mailing list of any new
> posts that appear on the cloud planet aggregator [1], as a summary plus
> a link to the original posts.
> [1] http://cloud.ubuntu.com
> What do you think of these two proposals? Thanks in advance for sharing
> your thoughts with us.
> Nick
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